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i-Space: Inter-Secondary School Green Deck Competition 2022

Consisting of the Digital Makerspace, Digital Visualisation Room and Studios

ENG | 中文



  • To enhance public awareness and early engagement of the Green Deck proposal in the community and secondary schools
  • To promote community on the notion of sustainable, green and healthy living
  • To support STEM education by promoting the 3D modelling technology to teachers and students 
  • To provide an opportunity to promote students’ creative ideas of landscape design for Green Deck


  • Local secondary school students (Quota: Maximum 20 teams in final round submission)
  • Maximum of two participating teams from each school. Each team might consist of 2 to 4 students.


Inter-Secondary School Green Deck Competition 2022 final round participant

Prize presentation: Champion - Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College

Prize presentation: 1st runner-up - Tak Oi Secondary School

Prize presentation: 2nd runner-up - Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)

Prize presentation: Merit - Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College

Results Announcement of Final Round Competition

The final presentation and adjudication of the final round of competition for the Inter-secondary School Green Deck Landscape Design Competition 2022 was successfully held on 15 May 2023.  Congratulations to all winning teams. Trophies were awarded to the Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up team. Certificates and cash coupons will be presented at the later stage to recognize team members’ achievement and endeavours. All successfully participated team members will receive certificates and cash vouchers for appreciation.


School Name

Team Member [1]



Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College

CHAN Lok Yue,

CHAN Yin Lam,


WONG Kei Yui

Awake Park

Presentation Video Link

1st runner-up

Tak Oi Secondary School

Alison CHOI,

Kitty AU,

Kelly SO,

Hung Hom Cross-Harbour Tunnel Greening Platform

Presentation Video Link

2nd runner-up

Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)

LEE Hiu Wai (Hilary),

SO Hoi Kiu (Bianca)

Green Deck Landscape Design

Presentation Video Link

Merit [2]

Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College

FUNG Yuan Cheng,

LIN Yuk Ham,

LU Xinyi,


Inter-secondary School Green Deck Landscape Design

Presentation Video Link 

Merit [2]

St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section)

Charmaine CHAN,

Belle CHUNG,

Jasmine HO,

Lorraine WU


Presentation Video Link 

[1] Presented by last name in ascending order

[2] Presented by the school name in ascending order

Results Announcement of First Round Competition

A total of 18 teams are shortlisted to the finalist in the competition. Congratulations to our contestants! Each contestants of finalist teams will receive an official certificate of participation.


School Name (in alphabetical order)


Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College 宣道會鄭榮之中學
2 Delia Memorial School (Glee Path) 地利亞修女紀念學校(吉利徑)
3 Good Hope School 德望中學
4 Lock Tao Secondary School 樂道中學
5 Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School 樂善堂王仲銘中學
6 Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School 樂善堂余近卿中學
7 Malvern College Hong Kong* 香港墨爾文國際學校*
8 Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) 瑪利諾修院學校(中學部)
9 Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College 保良局胡忠中學
10 St Paul's Convent School 聖保祿學校
11 St. Joseph’s College 聖若瑟書院
12 Tak Oi Secondary School 德愛中學
13 The Church of Christ in China Heep Woh College* 中華基督教會協和書院*
14 Youth College (International) 青年學院(國際)
15 Youth College (Tuen Mun)* 青年學院(屯門)*
  * Two teams are shortlisted to the finalist


Important Dates



First Round Competition

Friday 5 August 2022

Open for registration


   Registration closed      


The competition briefing and training session on Landscape Design were successfully held. Teams could revisit the competition guidelines and basic landscape design knowledge.

The registration will be deemed completed upon submission of entry.

Please contact Mr. Graham Lee at 3400 8920 if in doubt.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Introduction to Green Deck Talks and Competition Briefing 

Length: 2 hours (Video recording)

The webinar was conducted in Cantonese supplemented with PowerPoint presentation in English. Please refer to Competition Details for the competition objectives, deliverables, deadlines and judging criteria.

Saturday 24 September 2022

Training Session – Landscape Design 

Length: 1 hours 47 minutes (video recording)

The training session introduced participants to the scope of landscape architecture, typical design processes, tools to create and communicate designs (such as hand drawings and computer software), and some current trends in the field.

Friday 4 November 2022

Deadline for submission

Each team must submit the following information in either Chinese or English.

  • A PowerPoint file illustrating the ideas of Green Deck landscape design  (with no more than 10 slides) 
  • A supplementary video clip under two minutes illustrating the landscape ideas (optional) 
  • The first slide from the PowerPoint should show the school name, name of teacher-in-charge and name of team members.
  • Submit the PowerPoint and video files with the download links provided and email to

Acknowledgement receipt will be sent to participants within 2 working days.

21 November 2022


Results announcement of the first round competition (As shown above)

20 shortlisted teams will proceed to final round competition

Team members who are not shortlisted for the final round competition will receive certificates of participation as a token of appreciation.


Final Round Competition

27 & 30 December 2022 

Training Session:

Part 1. 3D landscape design training session for shortlisted teams 

Date & Time:

Tuesday 27 December 2022 (Shortlisted teams has been individually notified for the training time)


Landscape design (beginner level, Sketchup basic modelling, 2 hours, F2F) with Q&A session offered by Thei


North Block 12/F Landscape Architecture Studio, Thei Chai Wan Campus



Training Session:

Part 2. 3D landscape design and video rendering training session for shortlisted teams 

Date & Time:

Friday 30 December 2022 (Shortlisted teams has been individually notified for the training time) 


Landscape design (advanced level, Sketchup + Enscape rendering & animation, 2 hours, F2F) with Q&A session Offered by Thei


North Block 12/F Landscape Architecture Studio, Thei Chai Wan Campus

 Note: THEI represents Technological and Higher Education Institute

21 April 2023

Deadline for the final round submission

Each team must submit the following materials:

  • One “A0” size (841 mm × 1188 mm, landscape orientation, 300 dpi) panel presenting the summarised Green Deck Landscape design concept, the panel should be provided in PDF format for presentation purpose at final competition.
  • A written statement describing the Green Deck landscape design with no more than 1,000 characters in Chinese or 500 words in English
  • A video clip in less than 7 minutes explaining the 3D landscape modelling design 
  • Compiled project files, scripts or source codes when applicable


  • The first two seconds of the video contents and the cover page of the written statement should show the school name, name of teacher-in-charge and name of team members.
  • In-text citation should be used on all submitted items if direct references are made
  • Acknowledgement receipt will be sent to participants within 2 working days.
  • Submit the A0 size panel, written statement and video contents through download links provided and email to

Designated Software Platform


Rules and Regulations

  • Maximum of two participating teams for each school. Each team might consist of 2 to 4 students.
  • Secondary school students of all years, including those graduating in 2022, are eligible for the competition.
  • Only one model submission can be made by each team for Inter-Secondary School Green Deck Landscape Design Competition 2022.
  • The copyright of the submission belongs to the submission team. However, the Organisers reserve the right to use the submission for promotional purposes. The Organiser also reserve the right to announce the names of winner or school, and to publish photos taken from the competition activities for promotional purposes.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to display the original or modified entries, in digital format, through online social media or physical form, for exhibition or promotion purposes.
  • Prizes are non-exchangeable, non-returnable and non-refundable in any situation.
  • The participants acknowledge that they have read and accepted the rules & regulations of the competition by submitting an entry.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to amend and/or cancel the activities as well as the Rules & Regulations without prior notice.
  • All entries must be original and have not been published in other occasions before. By submitting an entry, the participants guarantee that the entry neither contains any third party copyrighted materials nor infringes the intellectual property rights of any third parties. Participants should also be aware that the content should not include obscene, violence, religion, politics or any other inappropriate content. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify against any entry or team that violates the rules without prior notice.
  • In case of any dispute, the Organisers reserve the right of final decision.


Judging Criteria

First Round (Sep to Dec 2022)

  • Design Concept and Innovativeness (70%)
  • Graphic Design and Presentation (30%)

Final Round (Dec 2022 to May 2023)

Landscape and Design (30%)

  • Present a strong design concept arising from the understanding the site context and nature of project
  • Incorporate appropriate landscape programme (functions and activities) that respond to the needs of the users
  • Exhibit attractive form and stylistic choices in the design of the Green Deck landscape

Innovativeness (30%)

  • Demonstrate uniqueness, originality, creativity, and excitement in the Green Deck landscape design
  • Showcase new ideas and approaches in relation to state-of-the-art landscape design technologies

Sustainability (20%)

  • Demonstrate how the Green Deck landscape design can benefit and sustain the social, environmental, and economic aspects of the neighbourhood and community
  • Adopt measures to address issues of larger environmental issues such as climate change and resilience

Graphic and Verbal Presentation (20%)

  • Effective graphic communication
  • Clearly articulate the design concepts and principles behind in the design presentation

Jury Panel

Submission of entries shall be adjudicated by a Jury Panel composed of the following members:



Mr Simon Wong, Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Jury Members

Prof. Leslie Chen, JP, Dean of the Faculty of Design and Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

Dr. Richard Li, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Mr Alex Lui, Project Director (Green Deck), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Shirley Wong, University Librarian, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ms Claudia Yu, Project Designer (Landscape), ARUP

*All names are in alphabetical order by last name


Remarks: The Organizing Committee may change the composition of the Jury Panel without prior notice.




1st Runner-up

2nd Runner-up

  • Trophies, cash vouchers and certificates for champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up
  • Chances to showcase their winning landscape design at Green Deck exhibitions
  • Other shortlisted team members will receive certificates of merit and cash vouchers to acknowledge their endeavours and participation in the competition

Organised by

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Green Deck Project Management Office
  • Department of Computing
  • Pao Yue-kong Library

Collaborated by

Faculty of Design and Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

Funded by


Registration & Enquiry

Contact Person: Mr Graham Lee

Phone : 3400 8290

Email :


Background of Green Deck

Green Deck A Catalyst for Vibrant Community

Due to heavy cross-harbour traffic, Hung Hom District had encountered long time problems of noise, dust, poor air quality, overloaded footbridge, poor district connectivity and lack of open space. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has thus proposed the construction of a Green Deck over the Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza to help resolve these problems.

With funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, PolyU has recently embarked on a Project Development Study of the Green Deck.  The proposed Green Deck would be covered by green landscape to form a public park which could improve air quality in surrounding environment. Also, there would be green open space with cultural, leisure and sport facilities for the local communities. By linking up PolyU campus, MTR Hung Hom Station and Tsim Sha Tsui East, Green Deck would also enhance the pedestrian connectivity among the nearby districts and act as a catalyst for vibrant community.