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PolyU Library

i-Space: Contests

Consisting of the Digital Makerspace, Digital Visualisation Room and Studios

With the support from the Department of Computing (COMP), the Metaverse contest is to provide a valuable opportunity for PolyU/CPCE students, whether individual or in teams, to showcase their innovation and creativity in utilising the Metaverse, with the goal of building immersive virtual worlds that enhance and revolutionise the way we interact, study and learn. Participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to design, and implement captivating and imaginative virtual environments. The contest will encourage thoughtful exploration of various themes, including, but not limited to, virtual community building, immersive storytelling, virtual commerce, educational experiences, gamification, virtual art and fashion, and more. Metaverse application, which applies the Web 3.0 principle (Spatial Computing, Blockchain, AIGC, etc) and addresses the related problem, is highly preferable for this year.



Important Dates


18 October 2024 (Fri)


Registration Closed 


Contest Briefing Session with a sharing on "Metaverse for Sustainability"

  • Sharing the relationship between ESG and the Metaverse
    (By Dr Peter NG, Assistant Professor, COMP)
  • Guidelines of the Metaverse Contest
  • Resources available to contest participants


Time: 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Venue: Online via Zoom & Digital Visualisation Room, i-Space, 4/F, Library


Presentation Material

29 October 2024 (Tue)


Registration Closed 

Creating Interactive Virtual Experiences Made Easy with Nibiru Creator

Nibiru Creator is a user-friendly application enhanced with AI capabilities, designed to simplify the development of interactive content for various applications, including education, industrial training, cultural tourism, entertainment, and business. In this seminar, attendees will learn how Nibiru Creator and similar GenAI-assisted tools can streamline the creation of interactive learning experiences and 360-degree virtual environments. The seminar will demonstrate the workflow for creating interactive virtual experiences using Nibiru Creator and will present case studies from different fields. This seminar is ideal for students with creative ideas but limited technical backgrounds who are eager to learn how to build interactive virtual environments.

This seminar is ideal for students with creative ideas but limited technical backgrounds who are eager to learn how to build interactive virtual environments.


Time: 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Venue: Online via Zoom & Digital Visualisation Room, i-Space, 4/F, Library

19 February 2025 (Wed)


Registration Closed 

3D Modelling and Scene Design with Blender    

This beginner-friendly workshop provides an overview of Blender, a robust open-source 3D modelling tool. In this workshop, you will learn essential techniques in Blender, including view manipulation, mesh creation and sculpting, texture application, and eventually, building a furnished room and rendering the final scene.

Time: 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Venue: Digital Visualisation Room, 4/F, Library

20 February 2025 (Thurs)


Registration Closed 

Create Your First Casual Game with Unity       

Join us for a hands-on workshop where you'll learn to create and deploy a hypercasual mobile game using Unity. This session is designed to guide you through the entire game development process, from design to deployment.


Workshop Highlights:

  • Game Design: Learn about setting goals, game mechanics, and interaction.
  • Programming: Get hands-on experience with C# scripting.
  • Aesthetics: Explore graphics, audio, UI design, and colour schemes.

By the end of the workshop, you'll be able to deploy your game to your phone or upload it to a popular game platform.


Workshop Agenda:

  1. Project Setup (15 mins)
  2. Asset Preparation (30 mins): Create simple 3D models and download sound effects.
  3. Scene Setup (15 mins): Configure lighting, camera, and model placement.
  4. Game Objects & Components (15 mins): Work with Rigidbody and Collider.
  5. Break (15 mins)
  6. C# Scripting (45 mins): Set up player controls and game mechanics.
  7. User Interface (15 mins): Implement button interactions.
  8. Deploying & Testing (15 mins): Build and test your game for Android & iOS.
  9. Q&A Session


Time: 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Venue: Digital Visualisation Room, 4/F, Library

21 February 2025 (Fri)


Registration Closed 

Metaverse Platform Integration with and Unity       

Explore the world of the metaverse by learning how to publish your creations on the web, mobile, and VR using the Spatial Creator Toolkit on Unity. This workshop is perfect for beginners and requires no C# coding experience.


Workshop Highlights:

  • Scene Creation: Build a simple scene with imported 3D models.
  • Player Tasks: Set up tasks for players to explore different points in the scene.
  • Publishing: Export your project to a website.


Workshop Agenda:

  1. Package Installation (10 mins): Install the spatial starter template.
  2. Avatar Setup (15 mins): Download and import avatars and animations.
  3. Player Control (15 mins): Configure player movement.
  4. 3D Model Import (10 mins): Add models like drawings or furniture to the scene.
  5. Break
  6. Quest & Rewards (20 mins): Add points of interest and quests.
  7. Interactive Events (10 mins): Implement particle effects around avatars.
  8. Testing & Publishing (15 mins): Test and publish your Unity package as a webpage.


Time: 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Venue: Digital Visualisation Room, 4/F, Library

30 May 2025

Submission Deadline

June 2025

Result Announcement & Award Presentation Ceremony

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

  • PolyU and CPCE students can participate in the Contest.
  • Participants  can only submit one submission individually or as a group.
  • Participants can submit their projects on the Metaverse platform such as Spatial platform or Game Engine, such as Unity or Unreal.
  • The 3D models or application used in the project must be created on their own or downloaded from open or royalty-free sources.
  • The copyright of the submission belongs to the participants. However, the Organisers reserve the right to use the submission for promotional purposes. The Organiser also reserve the right to announce the names of winner, and to publish photos taken from the competition activities for promotional purposes.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to display the original or modified entries, in digital format, through online social media or physical form, for exhibition or promotion purposes.
  • Prizes are non-exchangeable, non-returnable and non-refundable in any situation.
  • The participants acknowledge that they have read and accepted the rules & regulations of the competition by submitting an entry.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to amend and/or cancel the activities as well as the Rules & Regulations without prior notice.
  • All entries must be original. By submitting an entry, the participants guarantee that the entry neither contains any third party copyrighted materials nor infringes the intellectual property rights of any third parties. Participants should also be aware that the content should not include obscene, violence, religion, politics or any other inappropriate content. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify against any entry or team that violates the rules without prior notice.
  • In case of any dispute, the Organisers reserve the right of final decision.


The VR application

The Library will provide HTC VIVE Pro 2, HP Reverb G2, Meta Oculus 3, Meta Oculus 2 and Oculus Rift for the judging panel to view and evaluate submitted Metaverse entries.

If the submissions require other platforms or device for viewing, participants must demonstrate the Metaverse to judging panel using compatible equipment or their own devices.



  • A PowerPoint file (with no more than 20 slides) containing the storyboard and each team member’s contributions, etc. 
  • A supplementary video clip (no longer than 10 minutes) demonstrating the concept and the Metaverse.
  • A workable prototype (optional).
  • A declaration of originality and sources for any external materials used, if any.
  • Group photos for promotional purposes.


Judging Criteria


  • Creativity and excitement in the concept/design that applies the Web 3.0 principle and address the related problem
  • Originality in the mechanism, visual elements and concept of the Metaverse Design & Web 3.0 Design



Aesthetic and Integrated

  • Any user-friendly design with easy navigation
  • Smooth interactive features for user experience in the Metaverse & Web 3.0 environment
  • Aesthetically pleasing and harmonious design




  • Accurate and appropriate application of related technology in the Metaverse & Web 3.0
  • Understanding and mastery of the applied technology




  • Clearly explain the concept/design
  • Effectively express the process of his/her/their creation from start, development and end





Champion 1st Runner-up 2nd Runner-up
Meta Quest 3 (512 GB)* ARknovv A1 Smart Glasses* DJI Neo Drone*





*or equivalent

Prize sponsored by


i-Space@Spatial Demo

By re-utilising the 3D model created from the VR Tour of the Library’s i-Space student project and following the Metaverse platform guideline, the Library modified and optimised the model to develop the Space within the Spatial Metaverse platform.

You can access the Space from here via web browser.


Contact Us

 Phone   2766-6909
 Whatsapp   2766-6863 (WhatsApp)
 In Person
  Technical Support Desk, 
  i-Space, 4/F North Wing, Library


Metaverse Books

Related Equipment & Software

You can consider using the following equipment and software in the i-Space to develop your Metaverse application.


3D Model Library

3D Modelling Software

Game Development Engine

Metaverse Platform


Library's Spaces

VR Experience Zone

Digital Visualization Room,
i-Space, 4/F North Wing, Library

VR Development Zone

Corner area, Digital Visualization Room,
i-Space, 4/F North Wing, Library

Multimedia Production Studio

Studios area,
3/F North Wing, Library