To start with, settings have to be done in MS Word:
Click on EndNote tab > Preferences> Application tab > Select EndNote online from Application drop-down list > Enter your EndNote Online Classic login and password> press OK to finish

Follow the steps below to insert in-text citations and generate reference list in Word document:
- Go to the EndNote tab in your Word document.
- Place the cursor on the point where you would like to insert an in-text citation.
- Click on the Insert Citations button.
- Find the reference(s) you wish to insert by author, year, title, etc.
- Select the reference(s) and click on Insert.
- Both in-text citation and end of paper reference list will be generated automatically.
- Change the citation style in Word document if needed.
Click to see steps in screenshots
Please refer to the guides of EndNote (Windows) or EndNote (Mac) for the following functions in CWYW for MS Word:
- Insert In-text Citations and Create Bibliographies
- Edit In-text Citations
- Format Bibliography
- Convert EndNote Field Codes into Plain Text