Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) allows you to discover open access, free download academic books for at ease.
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Find Books
1. Conduct a search in OneSearch.
2. Refine your search using filters on the sidebar. Here are some examples:
3. To access/locate the publication you are looking for, follow the steps below:
The book is not available?
Sometimes, you will see the status of the book is Check holdings, showing that it is currently on loan. In this case, you can place a request to reserve the book, or try to borrow it from HKALL.
If PolyU library does not have that title in the collection, you will see No full-text for the book status. In this case, you can borrow it from HKALL or Interlibrary loan (ILL).
If a print book is currently on loan, you can request the book (which means placing a hold to reserve the book). Please be noted that you can only request items that are on loan. Items available on the bookshelves are not requestable.
To request a book, follow the steps below:
Alternatively, you can try to borrow the unavailable book from Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Each physical item is labeled with a call number, which contains both letters and numbers representing the source's location in the library, e.g., TX911 .V33 2019. Books on the same subject will be placed in the same range on bookshelves. When you search a print book through OneSearch, you will get a call number, which tells you where you can find the book.
Call numbers can be divided into 4 rows:
Below are some examples of the rules mentioned above:
Call number ranges for SHTM subjects:
► For books in Book Collection:
► For books from other locations:
Notes: Large books which cannot be accommodated on the normal shelves are kept at the end of the collection in each wing. The word [QRT] beside the call number indicates large book. E.g. [QRT] TX911 .A84 1995 is shelved after books with class nos. T to Z on Ground Floor North Wing.
What you need is not available in our collection? No worries, try interlibrary loan(ILL)! Follow the steps in our ILL library guide to get access to materials beyond the PolyU Library collection.
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