The Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service provides access to materials not held in our collections to current students, faculty and staff of PolyU for their research or private study. The Library will source the requested items from local UGC-funded libraries or other libraries overseas. Please refer to the table below for privileges for different user groups, materials they can request and the respective quota.
Users |
Requestable Materials & Quota |
- Academic/Research Staff
Administrative Staff of equivalent status
- Postgraduate Students (on programmes leading to PolyU Awarded Degrees)
- Books from local UGC-funded university libraries via Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL)
- Journal Articles, Books or Book Chapters from partner libraries or other non-local sources (conditions may apply for book loans from overseas sources)
- Up to 30 requests at any one time. This includes pending requests and currently borrowed items*.
- Undergraduates Students (on programmes leading to PolyU Awarded Degrees)
- Books from local UGC-funded university libraries via HKALL
- Journal Articles or Book Chapters from partner libraries with reciprocal agreement
- Up to 15 requests at any one time. This includes pending requests and currently borrowed items*.
- Sub-degree Students (on programmes leading to PolyU Awarded Sub-degrees)
- HKCC or SPEED Students (on programmes leading to PolyU-SPEED or PolyU-HKCC Awarded Degrees)
- Other PolyU Staff
- Books from local UGC-funded university libraries via HKALL
- Up to 15 requests at any one time. This includes pending requests and currently borrowed items*.
*For physical books, the quota will be released after the book is returned by the user and received by the lending library. For items delivered in electronic format, the quota will be released once the requested item is delivered to MyRecord.
Materials not requestable
Due to copyright restrictions and licensing terms, an entire e-book, an entire issue or volume of a journal title are not requestable. Standards, theses, rare books and AV materials are usually not for interlibrary loan at other libraries.