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PolyU Library

The PolyU Research Data Repository (Beta)

This guide introduces key features of the PolyU Research Data Repository.

Creative Common License

Transitioning from "All rights reserved" to "Some rights reserved," Creative Commons enables authors to legally share their work, fostering a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. Authors always retain copyright under a CC license.

Default CC-BY-NC license

When creating a Repository account, PolyU researchers accept the Terms of Use and acknowledge that the default license for all uploads is CC-BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial). Materials published under the CC-BY-NC license are allowed to be distributed, remixed, adapted and built upon for non-commercial purposes, under the condition that attribution is given to the creator.

 Credit (Attribution) must be given must be given to the creator
 Only non-commercial uses of the work are permitted 

Select another license

Alternatively, you may also opt for the CC-BY license. Compared with CC-BY-NC, the CC-BY license further allows the re-use of the published materials even for commercial purposes, but also with the condition that attribution is given to the creator. 

 Credit (Attribution) must be given must be given to the creator

To switch from the default CC-BY-NC license to a CC-BY license for your dataset, go to the dataset pageEdit Dataset > Terms > Select CC BY 4.0 under Dataset Terms > Save Changes.


You can find more details of different CC license types here. Consult your Faculty Librarian to learn more about the data reuse licenses.