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PolyU Library

The PolyU Research Data Repository (Beta)

This guide introduces key features of the PolyU Research Data Repository.

Overall Workflow

Only researchers affiliated with PolyU have the privilege to share datasets via our repository. The level of access and functions available to a user within the repository is determined by their roles.

The workflow of depositing datasets is summarised below:


Folder & Dataset Organisation

In PolyU Research Data Repository, datasets must be deposited inside folders.  Folders are organised as follows:

  • Faculty, school, unit and departmental folders are the highest-level non-editable folders
  • Master folders are personal folders and hosted under departmental folders.
    • ARA staff can create a master folder by filling in the online form 
    • Sub-folders, for projects or students, for instance, could be created under the master folders 
    • Datasets could be deposited under the master folders or sub-folders
    • Other repository users, e.g. research assistant or students of the master-folder owner, may be granted a curator role to manage folders and datasets

You may refer to Roles & Rights for the rights of different users in folder and dataset management.

Check out the detailed steps of depositing data from the following subpages.