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PolyU Library

The PolyU Research Data Repository (Beta)

This guide introduces key features of the PolyU Research Data Repository.

Add dataset

Before depositing your datasets, please ensure:

  • You have read guidelines and agreed the terms of use
  • You have created a folder OR a folder has been assigned to you. If not, please go back to step 2.

  1. Login and go to the folder which will host the dataset. To locate the folder page, follow the steps here. At the folder page, select Add Data > New Dataset.

  2. Complete the form for the metadata of your data file.

    (a) Host Folder: The system has already input the host folder for you when you add data at the correct folder page. 

    (b) Citation Metadata & PolyU Metadata: Provide the information about the dataset. 

    Here are some required fields that you must complete to proceed:

    Provide a descriptive title for your dataset. If your dataset is associated with a publication, it is recommended to use one of the following prefixes:

    • "Replication Data for" followed by the publication's title, if you are uploading the complete set of data, code, scripts, and documentation that enables others to replicate your study and obtain the same findings.
    • "Related Data for" followed by the publication's title, if you are sharing less than what is required for replication.
    Author Enter the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) or data creator(s). If possible, include the ORCID, a unique identifier for researchers.
    Point of Contact Provide the contact information of the person responsible for the dataset, usually the data creator. This allows users to inquire about the deposited dataset if needed.

    Input the summary describing the purpose, nature and scope of the dataset. You are also recommended to include:

    • Type of the data, e.g. textual data, survey data, experimental data, program source code, etc. 
    • Software: The name and version of software used to generate the data files or should be used to open the data files. ​
    Subject Select the area of study of the dataset.
    RGC-funded Project Indicate if the dataset originates from RGC-funded projects.
    Some suggestions for the optional fields:
    Related Publication

    You may input the citation with the URL or DOI, of the related publication. ​

    Notes You may include your supervisor's name here for the thesis, dissertation and FYP dataset.
    Before uploading your data files, please ensure that they adhere to the specified file size and format requirements.
  3. Upload the data file(s). 

    After uploading, you can rename, add description, and add tags via File Options  for each file. You can also click Edit to set up Restricted Access for individual file(s) or delete unwanted file. 

  4. Click Save Dataset to complete the upload form. Publish the dataset when it is ready. If you would like to further add information and control the settings of the dataset page, see Edit Dataset below. 

Publish Dataset 

The dataset will remain hidden from the public until both the dataset and its hosting folder are published. It is crucial to ensure that both the dataset and folder are ready before proceeding with publication, as once published, the actions CANNOT be undone. The only available option is to deaccession the dataset, which permanently stops its public sharing.

Please ensure you have the right to publish the host folder, then publish both the folder and dataset together. When both are ready, select Publish Dataset and you will be prompted to confirm the publication of both the host folder and the dataset. If the host folder is a master folder and you do not have the right to publish it, please request your supervisor, who holds an admin role, to publish the folder first. 

The Publish Dataset option is also important after you have edited the dataset. After any revision from Edit Dataset options, you will need to publish the dataset again and confirm if it is a Minor or Major Release for versioning purpose, and to allow the changes to become visible to the public.

To manage your dataset, please locate the dataset page as below to access various functions.

  1. Select your name > My Data.

  2. You will be directed to a list of your folder(s) and dataset(s) with their status, and your role(s) for each item.
    To get to a dataset page, select the desired dataset from the result list or from the host folder.

  3. Upon arrival at the dataset page, you can find the information of the dataset and the available option(s) according to your role


To further edit your dataset files, information and settings, find the options under Edit Dataset on the dataset page.

The table below explains options within the Edit Dataset menu. Remember to publish the dataset again after editing!

Files (Upload) Select this to add more data files.
Metadata Edit the metadata that you have input previously in the creation form. You may also add more information, e.g. software version, related dataset, documentation etc.
Terms By default, your uploaded data is a CC-BY-NC license when accepting the Terms of Use. You may edit the dataset Terms here.

Assign Curator/Contributor roles to repository users and user groups to grant different rights on the dataset. Learn more about different roles and rights here

Private URL

Select this option to generate an URL to share your data with those without an account.

A Private URL can only be generated if your dataset has never been published yet, or contains any unpublished changes.

Thumbnails + Widgets Select this to give an optional thumbnail image to your data. When your data has been published, you can also select Widget in this option to generate HTML code of your dataset and dataset citation, which you can use on your website without hosting it again elsewhere.
Delete Dataset

An option for you to remove unpublished dataset. This option is ONLY available when your dataset is still unpublished. After you have published the dataset, you can only deaccession the dataset. After deleting the dataset, you CANNOT undo this action.

Delete Draft Version

This option is ONLY available when your dataset has any unpublished changes. After deleting the draft version, files will be reverted to the most recently published version. You CANNOT undo this action.

Deaccession Dataset

An option for you to remove published dataset. This option is ONLY available when you have published your dataset. After deaccession, your dataset will no longer be publicly available, but the metadata of the dataset will still be available to you after you have logged in. After selecting deaccession, you will be asked to choose the version(s) to deaccession and to state the reason of deaccession.


If a dataset is a collaborative work, repository users can link the dataset to another folder, which allows the dataset to appear in another folder without actually hosting the dataset. This enhances the discoverability of a dataset.

You can link any dataset (including datasets of other users) to your folders, however, this action does NOT transfer any dataset editing rights to you. You can only link datasets to folders created or managed by you. To link a dataset:

  1. Log in and go the the page of the target dataset.
  2. Select Link Dataset option on the right of the page.

  3. Input and select your folder to display the dataset.

  4. The dataset will then appear in your folder.