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PolyU Library

The PolyU Research Data Repository

This guide introduces key features of the PolyU Research Data Repository.


Guestbooks can be set up for your dataset to capture information about individuals accessing your data files. You can customize your questions which may provide you with valuable insights. 

How to set up guestbooks

  1. Go to your dataset page
  2. On the right, select Edit Dataset > Terms.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and select Guestbook. Select the desired template. You can click Preview Guestbook to check what information the guestbook template asks for. Lastly, click Save Changes.
    Preview Guestbooks

After enabling the guestbook feature, users are required to provide the specified information before they can download any data file(s).

If you wish to design your guestbook, see further steps below on customising a guestbook template.


How to customise your guestbooks

To customise a guestbook template, please ensure that you have the rights to edit the folder which hosts the dataset.

  1. Go to your folder page, select Dataset Guestbooks under Edit.
        Customise Guestbooks
  2. Select Create Dataset Guestbook.
    Create Dastaset Guestbook
  3. Name your guestbook template and indicate the data to be collected. You can also set up your own questions.  After completing the form, select Create Dataset Guestbook.Create Dataset Guestbook
  4. On your dataset page, select your newly created guestbook template with the steps suggested in the section How to set up Guestbooks