Data Citation
Research data is an independent scholarly work that is citable. Users who reuse a dataset from our Repository can export the citation in different formats for reference management software to process.
Proper citation is required when any research data is reused. A citation acknowledges the creator and help the readers locate the source of the information.
Format and elements of a data citation vary among disciplines. The recommended elements in a data citation include:
- Author: The creator(s) of the data set.
- Publication Year: The date the dataset was made available.
- Title: The name of the cited dataset.
- Publisher/Distributor: The hosting organization of the data.
- Version/Edition (If any)
- Resource Type: e.g. dataset, data file, codebook, database.
- Persistent URL/Identifier: e.g. DOI, Handle, ARK, PURL.
Citation Sample in APA Style
Rightsholder. (Year). Title of data set. (Version number) [Description of form]. Publisher. DOI or URL
Adapted from American Psychological Association:
O’Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 36966; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR.
For other citation styles, refer to the online guide created by The Digital Curation Centre (DCC).