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PolyU Library

The PolyU Research Data Repository

This guide introduces key features of the PolyU Research Data Repository.

Create & Manage Folders

At PolyU Research Data repository, all datasets must be deposited inside a personal folder or a sub-folder. Only Academic and Research staff, as well as Administrative staff of equivalent status (ARA) have the admin role and are initially authorized to create a personal folder. 

To get started, create a personal folder by completing the online form. 

Online Form


What to do after submitting the online form?

  • The personal folder will be immediately created
  • The folder will be named after the ARA staff and his/her ORCID, e.g., Tai Man CHAN (0000-003-1925-9602) Research Group
  • The folder will serve as the designated space for the ARA staff, as well as general staff and research student that he/she supervised, to deposit research data within the repository
  • ARA staff can then grant roles to other repository users, enabling them to manage the folder(s) and dataset(s)

Here is the overall workflow.

To manage your folder, please get to the folder page as below to access various functions.

  1. Select your name > My Data.

  2. You will be directed to a list of your folder(s) and dataset(s) with their status, and your role(s) for each item.
    To get to a folder page, select the desired folder from the result list.

  3. Upon arrival at the desired folder page, you will see the folder name in grey on the upper left of the page and the items located within this folder.  You can also see the rights you have, e.g. Add Data, according to your role

You can manage your folder on the corresponding folder page. Folder management functions include customisations, assigning roles to other repository users, and deleting the folder.

On the folder page, select Edit and the drop-down menu provides you with a list of features for managing your folder.


General Information Edit the basic information of the folder
Theme + Widgets
  • Theme: Customise the header and footer of your folder page
  • Widgets: Find the code for embedding the folder on your website
Permissions Assign Curator/Contributor roles with different rights to other repository users and user groups for managing the folder. 
Groups Assign and manage roles for multiple users in bulk.
Dataset Templates Create templates, which allow the prepopulation of information when creating datasets deposited within this folder.
Dataset Guestbooks Enable the Guestbook function for capturing information from individuals downloading your datasets.
Featured Folder

Select sub-folder(s) to be featured on the top of your folder page. You must have at least one published folder to enable this function.

Delete Folder

This option is ONLY available when your folder is empty. After deleting the folder, you CANNOT undo the action.

Once you have added any dataset to your folder, this delete function will no longer be available, even if the datasets are removed (deaccessioned).

You can create a sub-folder within your personal folder for your research students or to better organise your datasets. Below are the steps to create a sub-folder.

  1. At the personal folder page, select Add Data > New Folder.

  2. Complete the form to create a folder.
    Host Folder This non-editable field is the default location hosting your newly created folder.
    Folder Name Folders for research students are suggested to be named with the student's name and his/her ORCID, e.g., Tai Man CHAN (0000-003-1925-9602)
    Affiliation (Optional) Recommend to input the full name, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Identifier Input an abbreviation for subdirectory in the URL of your folder.
    Category Select your folder category, e.g. Department, Laboratory, Researcher, Research Group etc.
    Email The system has input your PolyU email by default. You may add more contact email addresses if necessary.
    Description (Optional) Input a summary describing the purpose, nature and scope of your folder.
    Metadata Fields (Optional) Select additional metadata standard(s) as appropriate.
    Browse/Search Facets (Optional) Select metadata fields as facets for browsing datasets and folders in the repository.
  3. After completing the form, click Create Folder. You will be directed to your newly created folder page. 
    After creation, your folder is not yet available to the public, indicated as Unpublished. You are recommended to publish the folder together with the dataset when both are ready.

You are recommended to publish a folder together with a dataset when both are ready. To publish a folder, select Publish on the folder page. Your folder will be visible to the public once it is published. Make sure your folder is ready before publishing, you CANNOT undo this action.

After publishing a folder, you can delete the folder only if it is empty (See Manage Your Folder). If you have published any dataset in the folder, you can no longer remove the folder. You can only delete or deaccession the dataset within the folder.