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PolyU Library

Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics

Your starting point for research and study in the area of land surveying & geo-informatics

Tutorial - Get full text beyond PolyU Library

The Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service provides access to materials not held in our collections to current students, faculty and staff of PolyU for their research or private study.  The Library will source the requested items from local UGC-funded libraries or other libraries overseas.

Interlibrary loan is integrated into OneSearch. To know more about the service, please refer to the guide below.

PIRA (PolyU Institutional Research Archive)

Find Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an online directory providing access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Find Journal Articles

Generally, there are three ways to find articles:

  • Google Scholar is a quick search tool when you have an article title in hand, but may not give you very relevant results if your  keywords are very broad. 
  • OneSearch is a one-stop search of Library's subscribed resources, most of which are scholarly materials. However, sometimes you may still find too many results when your keywords are not specific enough.
  • Database contains specialized materials, e.g. specialized in one subject area such as engineering, or specialized in one type of resources such as journal articles, books, or standards documents. 

Learn how to search more effectively from this guide Build an Effective Search Statement.

Find Peer-reviewed Journal Articles from OneSearch

Follow the steps below to find peer-reviewed journal articles in OneSearch:

  1. Input keywords or a searching statement in OneSearch from the Library homepage.
  2. Refine results to Peer-reviewed Journals and Articles. You can also make use of other filters on the sidebar to further refine your results, e.g. within a publication year range.
  3. Click on the links provided to get access to full text. More tips to read full text here. Sign in with your NetID and NetPassword if you are accessing off-campus.

Google Scholar@PolyU

To search articles in Google Scholar, we suggest that you access Google Scholar via the Library homepage, especially when you are out of campus. By doing this, you will be able to directly access the full text of the articles (that we have subscriptions to) through PolyU eLinks.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the Library homepage and switch to the Articles tag.
  2. Click on Google Scholar@PolyU. Sign in with your NetID and NetPassword if you are out of campus.

  3. Conduct a search in Google Scholar. The article within our collection will be provided with the "PolyU eLinks" option, which allows you to access full text from the Library.

For the article not available in our collection, you can try to request it using our Interlibrary Loan & document delivery service.  We will then help you find the material from other libraries and suppliers. Watch a video tutorial to learn how to place a request.

Alternatively, you may change the setting in your Google Scholar to link it up with Library subscribed databases. This is identical to clicking on Google Scholar@PolyU via Library homepage.

Article Databases