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PolyU Library

Building & Real Estate

Your starting point for research and study in the area of building & real estate.

Get Full-Text Faster

Library subscribed e-resources are accessible off-campus by PolyU students, faculty, staff, and eligible Library Card Holders. If you wish to access full-text PDFs directly from publisher's site, you may consider installing one of the following plug-ins in your browser. 

Follow the steps below to install the bookmarklet to your browser.

  1. Enable the bookmark toolbar in your browser.
  2. Drag the following button to the bookmark toolbar area.

  1. Right-click on the bookmark button to rename it as "Connect via PolyU Library".
  2. Access article from publisher website, e.g., then click the "Connect via PolyU Library" button you have just installed. This will prompt you to login your NetID & NetPassword and access this page as a PolyU user. You shall be able to download PDF now.

Watch a short video to learn how to install bookmarklet in Chrome:

EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio) is a free browser plug-in which helps you to get full-text PDF faster by securely connecting you to the Library’s journal subscriptions and open access content. Follow the steps below to install the plug-in in your browser.

  1. Go to EndNote Click's page
  2. Click to add the plug-in in your browser
  3. You will be prompted to create a personal account if you haven't done so. Then link your account with the University.
  4. Upon your next visit to a publisher site, you will see "View PDF" button popped up. Click on the button will get you the PDF through Library's subscription.

LibKey is a free browser plug-in which provides instant links to full-text content for articles subscribed to by the Library - or open access alternatives - as you do research on the web and come across literature. The service covers thousands of scholarly publisher websites, Wikipedia and major databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. 

  1. Go to LibKey's download page
  2. Choose your browser and add it to your browser
  3. Select "Hong Kong Polytechnic University" from the list. 
  4. Upon your next visit to a publisher site or database, you will see "Download PDF" or "Article Link" button along with article entries. Click on the button will direct you to the options to download PDF through Library's subscription.

Unpaywall is a free browser plug-in which helps you to skip the paywall on millions of journal articles and get permissible full-text PDF. Follow the steps below to install the plug-in in your browser.

  1. Go to unpaywall browser extension page
  2. Click to install the plug-in in your browser
  3. When you visit a publisher site again, unpaywall will try to get you a permission version of PDF, including post-prints in repositories.
