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PolyU Library

Systematic Search for Systematic Review

This guide aims to provide advice and resources for doing a systematic review.

Step 6. Share References with Teammates

Share References with Teammates

There are couple of ways you can share your references with your teammates. To co-work on a systematic review, your teammates may need to co-edit (e.g. add, edit, remove, or annotate) references at the same time. This will require you to share your library through your EndNote web account. 

The table below summarizes 4 ways of sharing references. Pick the one that suits your needs and refer to the steps therein. (Note: see the updated practice here for Endnote 21)

  When to use it How to do this
Share whole library or part of the library through file transfer
  • If co-editing references is not needed
  • If you need to share groups, PDFs and annotations
  • If teammates do not have EndNote web or do not prefer to use it

Save as a compressed library (with or without PDFs) and send it to teammates through email, USB, cloud drive, etc.

Steps  Save as a Compressed Library

To share part of your library (e.g. selected references, a group of references), simply copy the references to another new library and save that library as a compressed library.

Share whole library through EndNote web
  • If co-editing references is needed
  • If you need to share groups, PDFs and annotations

Both you and your teammates need to have an EndNote web account.

Sharing whole library through EndNote web will require you to synchronize all your references to your EndNote web account.

Steps  Share the Whole Reference Library

Be cautious!  If you already have references in your EndNote web account, synchronizing the whole library will mix its references with the existing ones. To solve this, you can either empty your EndNote web before sharing, or register a new EndNote web account with another email.

Share a group of references through EndNote web
  • If you only want to share a group
  • If co-editing references is needed
  • If you do not need to share PDFs and annotations

Both you and your teammates need to have an EndNote web account.

Sharing a group in the library through EndNote web will require you to synchronize references in the whole library to your EndNote web account.

Steps  Share a Group of References with EndNote Web Users

Be cautious!  If you already have references in your EndNote web account, synchronizing the whole library will mix its references with the existing ones. To solve this, you can either empty your EndNote web before sharing, or register a new EndNote web account with another email.

Share references cited in a Word document
  • If you only want to share the references you have cited in your work
  • If co-editing references is not needed

Export a “Traveling Library” from your Word document. Save it as a compressed library and then send it to teammates. 

Steps  Export Traveling Library

Add Comments to References

When sharing references with teammates, you can invite them to leave comments using EndNote's "Label" or "Research Notes" fields. These two fields are usually empty in the imported references. You may also customize new fields for comments, e.g. Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2, Reviewer 3, if you have more than one reviewers. In such setting, your teammates can put in "accept", "reject", etc. in their respective fields.

Steps  Add Labels and Research Notes

At this stage, you may customize again your display fields in your library's header to allow the display of teammates' comments. Some suggested fields would be: Record Number, Author, Year, Title, Name of Database, Label (or Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2, Reviewer 3), Last Update. Note that the maximum number of fields to display is 10. Revisit Step 1. Set Preferences to learn how to customize display fields.