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PolyU Library

Systematic Search for Systematic Review

This guide aims to provide advice and resources for doing a systematic review.

Step 1. Set Preferences in EndNote

Set Preferences

Before you import any search results in EndNote, we suggest you to preset your preferences to maximize the Find Duplicates feature in EndNote. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Edit, then click Preferences.
    (For Mac: Click on EndNote X9 next to the Apple icon on the top-right corner, then select Preferences.
    In Endnote 21, a short cut  to the Preference setting is easily located at the end of the display bar)
  2. Select "Duplicates". Uncheck "Author" and "Reference Type". Find duplicates based on Year and Title only will help you find more records that are likely duplicates. 
  3. Select "Display Fields". Reorder your display fields to show Record Number, Author, Year, Pages, Title and Name of Database. These fields help you quickly scan for additional duplicates.