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PolyU Library


Search for e-Journals


Article not available through Library? Try ILL!

The Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service provides access to materials not held in our collections to current students, faculty and staff of PolyU for their research or private study.  The Library will source the requested items from local UGC-funded libraries or other libraries overseas.

Interlibrary loan is integrated into OneSearch. To know more about the service, please refer to the guide below.

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Except where otherwise noted, the content of this guide is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 License.

Find Articles

Follow the steps below to find an article in OneSearch:

  1. Visit Library homepage, click on "OneSearch", or directly visit OneSearch.
  2. Type in your keywords or title of the article and hit the search button. When you start typing, OneSearch will automatically suggest popular searches for you.
  3. Limit results to "Articles" under Resource Type on the right panel of the page. You may further refine results to "Peer-reviewed Journals", or within a publication year range. 
  4. Click on the article title to see more information about the article. 
  5. Under "View It Online", you will find options for full text download.
    Remember to sign in with your NetID and NetPassword to get access to the full text.

Click to see steps in screenshots

Access Googles Scholar via this connection  Google Scholar@PolyU.on the library website to locate Library’s Full Text Articles in Google Scholar search results. 

By doing this you will be able to directly access the full text of the articles (we subscribed to) through PolyU eLinks.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Visit Library homepage, switch to "Articles" and then click on Google Scholar@PolyU. Sign in with your NetID and NetPassword if you are out of campus.
  2. Conduct a search in Google Scholar. The article within our collection will be provided with the "PolyU eLinks" option. Click to get the full text PDF for free.

Click to see steps in screenshots


Google Scholar setting - link with PolyU Library

You may also change the setting in your Google Scholar to link it up with Library subscribed databases. This is identical to clicking on Google Scholar@PolyU via Library homepage.

Click to see steps in screenshots

Search in a database

Searching within a database helps you narrow your search as the coverage of the database can be very selective. Some databases focus on one specific area, which can help you filter out the contents that are not relevant to the subject; some may cover peer-reviewed journals only, to ensure the articles covered are of certain quality.

Almost all databases will provide an Advanced Search option, which allows you to search in a more precise way, e.g. search within article title, journal title, or subject terms (that are tagged to each article). This helps you find the most relevant results quickly and effectively.

Many Health related databases also have one's own controlled vocabulary built-in, to help users to retrieve results by the database's preferred indexed terms. To name a few commonly used controlled vocabularies: MeSH, EmTree, CINAHL Subject Headings.

Note that login with NetID is required to access the following databases off campus.

To locate reference material in Chinese, try these:

[Note] If you want to conduct a comprehensive literature review on a research topic, or is involved in a Systematic Review, see the details in the other subject guide: Systematic Search for Systematic Review.

Search in a citation database

Web of Science and Scopus are two large multidisciplinary citation databases.

They do not provide full-text articles, but they are very helpful for exploring related articles by looking at citing articles (who cited the article) and references (who have been cited by the article). If you do not have an idea which databases or journals should go for, start with these two.

Full text not available? Try ILL.

Request a copy by filling up a form via our InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service. Alternatively, you may follow the steps below to place a request while you are searching.

  1. When you see no results found after a search, first try to check v Expand Results beyond PolyU Library. This may help you get a record of the article you are looking for.
  2. Click on the article record, and sign in with your NetID and NetPassword. Then click on "InterLibrary Loan".
  3. Click on Logon to ILLiad.
  4. The details of this article have been pre-filled automatically. Click Submit Request to place the request. Normally you will receive an email notification to download the copy within a couple of days.

Click to see steps in screenshots

Search tips: Find Similar Results

Once you found a relevant article (i.e. a seed document), there are several ways to get more related articles from it. The most commonly used way is relying on the "related articles" or "recommended readings" suggested by the database. Below is an example in OneSearch:

Another skill is citation chaining. The assume is: If a paper citing or being cited by another paper, they normally share similar topics. Citation chaining can be further divided into Backward Chaining and Forward Chaining.

Backward chaining means locating other papers cited by the seed document. You may simply locate those papers from the reference list of your seed document:

One disadvantage of backward citation is: you can only locate the materials published before the seed document. However, you can locate more up-to-date materials by Forward Chaining

Forward citation chaining means locating other papers citing the seed document

You can make use of OneSearch, or other citation databases (like Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar) to locate those papers.



Web of Science

Google Scholar

Find Theses and Dissertations

PIRA (PolyU Institutional Research Archive)



PolyU Institutional Research Archive (PIRA) is an online platform that actively collects and disseminates the research and scholarly outputs created by the PolyU community. Learn more at