The LER Project involves mainly the construction of an additional floor (6/F) providing 2,080 m2 in net operational floor area (NOFA) on top of the existing Library building, and revitalisation of other levels (G/F to 5/F) with an affected area of 14,600 m2 in construction floor area (CFA). Internal bridges connecting North Wings and South Wings from 3/F to 6/F will be built. Additional washrooms will be provided and existing lifts will be replaced by new models.
How long will construction works take?
The construction and revitalisation works, which have commenced in late July 2020, will take about 3 years to complete. The target date of completion is the 4th quarter in 2023. Please refer to
Project Timeline for details of the works schedule.
Will the Library be open during the renovation period?
During the works period, the Library will strive to maintain its regular services. To minimize disruption and inconveniences to Library users, works will be conducted in phases. Building works of the additional 6/F will be executed by wings, and most works of the project will be carried out in the summer periods except for constructing the additional 6/F. Major legal noisy works will be restricted to 8:30 am to 11:30 am Mon to Sat.
How does the project affect the physical collections?
Some bookshelves may be temporarily closed during the works period. But the physical collections are not affected at this stage.
Will I be able to access and borrow books during the project period?
Yes, the Library will provide fetching service for the books located in the affected areas (if any). Details will be provided in due course.
Will there be facilities inaccessible and are there alternatives?
Yes, certain facilities may be temporarily inaccessible during the works period. To meet the needs for study space,
alternative quiet study space will be made available during the works period, if applicable. Please stay tuned for the latest update!