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Research Data Management

Sharing good practices for Research Data Management

Data Citation

Research Data is an independent scholarly work that is citable. If you have reused any research data in your research, you are expected to cite the source like you would with a typical research article. A proper data citation helps to acknowledge the creator and help our readers to locate the source of the information.

Format and elements of a data citation vary among disciplines. The recommended elements in a data citation include:

  • Author: The creator(s) of the data set.
  • Publication Year: The date the dataset was made available.
  • Title: The name of the cited dataset.
  • Publisher/Distributor: the organization hosting the data.
  • Version/Edition (if any)
  • Resource type: e.g. dataset, data file and codebook, database.
  • Persistent URL/identifier: e.g. DOI, Handle, ARK, PURL. Learn more about persistent identifiers from here.

Recommended Formats


Creator (PublicationYear). Title. Version. Publisher. ResourceType. Identifier


Raquel Gómez (2020). dataset Covid-19. Zenodo. Dataset. 

Learn more from DataCite - Cite Your Data.

APA 7th:

Rightsholder. (Year). Title of data set. (Version number) [Description of form]. Publisher. DOI or URL 


Raquel Gómez. (2020). dataset Covid-19 [Data set]. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3749226

Learn more from Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

More Styles:

Refer to the online guide created by The Digital Curation Centre (DCC).