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Conduct a Literature Review

A guide to walk you through the process of doing a literature review

Take Notes While Reading

It is easy to forget what we have read and where we read them. Taking notes while reading can make your review process more effective when you start writing. Here are a few tips for you:

  • Note down the terms you repeatedly see in the articles. Understand the terminology on the subject and use them in your writing too.
  • Use a mindmap to structure and visualize your ideas. This helps you easily recall what you have read. A few free online tools include MindMeister, XMind.
  • When you take some text or ideas from other works, make it in a different color and add the source of the work immediately along with the text. This helps you remember it is not your own idea and where you have taken it from.

Tools for note-taking

You can use EndNote, a reference management tool, to take notes for your reading as well. Visit this guide (under "Labels and Research Notes") to learn more. Alternatively, you can also use these free online note-taking tools: