The quickest way to find books is through a direct search in OneSearch. You may search by Keywords, Title of the Book, Call Number, or an ISBN number.
Watch the short tutorial below to learn how to find and access e-books and print books in OneSearch.
You may also refer to the steps below:
You can find course reading materials (e.g. textbooks) prescribed by your instructors for specific courses from the "Resource List" page of your course page on Learn@PolyU. If "Resource List" page is not available, an alternative way is to go to the library homepage and search under "Course Resource List".
Learn more about Resource List in this guide.
Watch this 1-minute video to learn how:
Relevant books within this subject area can be found under subject terms such as:
These materials provide background information and are often a good place to start your search because key concepts and terms are explained and bibliographies are often included. A few examples are: