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PolyU Library

Find Standards

A guide to introduce resources to find technical standards


  • International Classification for Standards (ICS) codes

is a technical standard published by the International Organization for Standards (ISO) and serves as a structure for catalogues. Many platforms allow browsing/searching standards by ICS codes. Learn more about ICS.

  • Redline

refers to highlighted changes between versions of a standard.

IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore is a platform to find articles, conference proceedings, and standards in electrical and electronic engineering areas.

Searching in IEEE Xplore

  1. Choose Standards from the menu
  2. Search by standard number or keywords

  3. Click on the PDF icon to download the PDF files
  4. Click on the Citations to see how the standard has been used in research papers and other publications


The browse function helps you browse by collection, topic or ICS codes. This is useful when exploring a subject and identifying its related standards. 

  1. Click on Browse and select Standards

  2. You could browse the standards by Collection, Number, Topic and ICS Code.