Signing in from Institutional Account lets you link an ORCID account to PolyU NetID. This means you only need to remember one set of password (your NetID and NetPassword) in the future. After you leave PolyU, you can still sign in to ORCID using your ORCID password.
To enable Institutional account sign in, please follow the steps below:
- Step 1. Start at sign in page and select the Institutional account tab.
- Step 2. Type in "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University" and select it from the dropdown list. Then click "Continue".
- Step 3. You will then be redirected to the PolyU's sign in page. Login with your NetID and NetPassword, then accept the terms of use.
- Step 4. Type in your ORCID ID or email to link your existing ORCID with PolyU. If you haven't got an ORCID account, click "Register for an ORCID iD" to register one first.
Click to see steps in screenshots
Upon your next login into ORCID, simply click on "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University" icon and sign in with your NetID and NetPassword.
If you wish to remove the linkage between your ORCID account and PolyU after you leave PolyU. Click on your name on the top-right corner, then select Account Settings > Alternate sign in accounts (at the bottom), and then click on the trash bin icon to unlink the account.