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LaTeX and Overleaf

This guide provides a brief overview on how to use EndNote, JabRef and Overleaf

Saving References in BibTeX or RIS?

To create EndNote for references and citations in BibTeX format, you may consider:

1. Saving references directly in BibTeX format (.bib) or 

2. Saving references in RIS (.ris), and then import them to JabRef to create .bib file

BibTeX as Output Styles

EndNote has two BibTeX styles: 1. BibTeX Export and 2. BibTeX Export Using EN Label Field. To check if your EndNote has installed, go to Endnote -> Tools -> Output Styles -> Open Style Manager.


Check off both BibTeX styles, then close


If you do not have the BibTeX styles on EndNote, you may use Style Finder to search and download them.

Then, you may double click to open the downloaded style file, and on EndNote, go to File -> Save As -> Save. A new citation style is now added into your EndNote.

Saving EndNote References in BibTeX

After inserting references into EndNote, you may export them in 1. BibTeX Export or 2. BibTeX Export using EN Label Field.

1. BibTeX Export: Citation Key can only be displayed in Record Number e.g. (RN1) in bibliography entry and in \cite{ } command. You will need to know which reference entry RN1, RN2, RN3...represents when citing. 

When exporting references from Endnote to BibTeX format, add .bib at the end of the file name, and set output style as BibTeX Export



2. BibTeX Export using EN Label FieldCitation Key can be displayed in Author-Year format in bibliography entry and \cite{ } command. However, in order to make the Author-Year format show up in .bib file, it requires users to manually enter author and year information in the Label field in the Edit Reference on EndNote. 

When exporting references from Endnote to BibTeX format, add .bib at the end of the file name, and set output style as BibTeX Export using EN Label Field.


EndNote can export references in BibTeX format, but citation keys can only be made in Record Number (RN) in BibTeX Export style, and it is also time consuming to create a label for each reference when using BibTeX Export Using EN Label Field style.

Saving EndNote References in RIS format

To overcome EndNote's limitations in BibTeX format, you may export your the references in RIS format (.ris), and then import them into JabRef, which can help you create citation keys automatically in Author-Year format (e.g. Galiano2017) or in another customized citation key pattern. After formatting all your references in JabRef, you can save them in .bib format.

Alternatively, you may use Zotero or Mendeley for creating references and optimizing citation keys in BibTeX format. You may also consider using BibTeX converters and generators to convert Endnote files into .bib files, citation keys will be automatically generated by the converter like below.