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PolyU Library

Applied Science

This guide helps you to explore resources relating to the study of Applied Science at PolyU.

To find a conference proceeding, you need to search by the name of the conference instead of the name of the paper. In the following example, you should search for Construction Research Congress 2022 instead of Evaluation of Safe-to-Fail Criteria for Coastal City Flooding:

Rahat, R., Elzomor, M., & Pradhananga, P. Evaluation of Safe-to-Fail Criteria for Coastal City Flooding. Construction Research Congress 2022, 386-395.

Please refer to the steps below:

  1. Input the name of the conference in OneSearch.
  2. Select Book and Conference Proceedings under the Resource Type, then click on APPLY FILTERS.
  3. Click on the title or the link below to find more information about this record.
  4. Click on the available database(s).
  5. Click on the title of the paper to read it online or you may download the full-text PDF.

Click to see steps in screenshots

If the conference proceedings are unavailable in our collection, eligible users can submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request. 

Access Conference Proceedings from Databases

You can search for conference papers in the databases by following the steps below:

  1. Visit the Library homepage and navigate to the Databases tab.
  2. Click on Browse the Databases by Type.
  3. Click on the Conference Papers and choose the databases that are relevant to your conference papers.

Click to see steps in screenshots