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Research Visibility- Old: Researcher ID

This guide provides you the ways in raising your research visibility and information about the measurement your research impact.

What is ResearcherID?

ResearcherID is designed to let researchers avoid author misidentification for the publications they have authored. Each researcher is assigned a unique ID when they register for a ResearcherID. Researchers can add publications (even not indexed by Web of Science Core Collection) to their ResearcherID profiles. Citation metrics such as number of times cited and h-index are displayed on the ResearcherID platform for publications that are indexed in Web of Science.

FAQ on ResearcherID

1. How do I search others' ReseacherID?

Click Search ReseacherID to search the ID by author name.

2. What if I find incorrect data at my research profile?

Click on “Feedback" at the bottom of the Web of Science page or simply click Web of Science Feedback to report errors in:

  • data/citation correction
  • missing article/issue
  • submitting/recommending a journal or other publication for coverage in Web of Science

3. What if I have two author profiles? How can I merge them?

Currently, you are not able to merge ResearcherID accounts directly because each ResearcherID is registered with a unique email.

Nevertheless, ResearcherID records can be shared between profiles using EndNote Web. Read the guide ResearcherID: Merging User Accounts provided by Thomson Reuters for more information

Another way is simply deleting the additional accounts. Fill in the Technical Support form and provide the ResearcherID number and email address of the ResearcherID account that you wish to delete. 

More  FAQ on ResearcherID

Tips on using ResearcherID

  • Set your "​publication list" open to public. Your ResearcherID will be displayed at the Web of Science Core Collection. This allows other scholars who find one of your papers  to further discover all of your publications at Web of Science.
  • Keep only one ResearcherID account. The aim of author IDs is to reduce name ambiguity and avoid author misidentification, there is no point to have more than one ID, you are advised to search the ResearcherID registry before creating a new account.

  • Update your ResearcherID profile with your new publications from time to time.

Why register a ResearcherID ?

  • Allows you to compile a list of publications indexed in Web of Science which you have authored. You can compile this list using the Web of Science search service, EndNote or uploading a RIS file. 

  • Easily and effortlessly obtain publication and citation information of your works. This is only for publications indexed in Web of Science.  

  • Automatically updates your profile with institutional affiliation and publications you have authored that are indexed in Web of Science thus allowing you to maintain ResearcherID throughout your research career. 

  • Customize your own profile by choosing what information is publicly displayed or kept private (Click "Manage Profile" icon at the top right hand corner of page after signing in to your account).

How to register a ResearcherID?

  • Register: Click here to register for your ResearcherID
    You should use the same login details for your EndNote Web and Web of Science accounts, you have registered for one previously.
  • Watch a Tutorial​: Registering ResearcherID (2:03) which shows you the steps to register for a ResearcherID.

How to add works to your ResearcherID profile?

After getting a ResearcherID, you have to add your publication lists to your profile so that you can enjoy the benefits of the profile. There are a number of ways to add publications to your ResearcherID and this video by Thomson Reuters: Adding Publications to Your ResearcherID Profile (3:01) guides you through the various ways.

Here are the different ways you can add publications to your ResearcherID profile:

  1. Search the Web of Science Core Collection

  2. Search the EndNote Web 

  3. Upload RIS files generated by EndNote or other reference management tools (for the works that are not indexed by Web of Science)

  4. Manually add works via the EndNote Web (for the works that are not indexed by Web of Science)

  5. Exchange works between ResearcherID and ORCID​

If you use the above 1. - 4. to add publications to your ResearcherID account, you can then associate it with your ORCID account. By doing so, you will be able to enrich your ORCID profile with publications listed in your ResearcherID profile. Also, this will allow you to easily exchange information between the 2 systems in future.  Find out more from Why associate ResearcherID with ORCID?

Edit works at ResearcherID profile

You can only add and delete items on your publication list. of  ResearcherID. Nevertheless, you can use the EndNote Web to edit details of your publication list. On the "Manage Publications" page, select the "Manage Lists with EndNote Web" option, or click access EndNote Web directly.

Watch a video: Recorded Training on Using EndNote to Edit ResearcherID (2:05) to see how you can do this easily.


Edits made to the publications in ResearcherID using EndNote Web will only be reflected in ResearcherID. If you would like to change the data in Web of Science Core Collection, you have to contact Data Change & Missing Article/Journal Issue Request.

Why associate ResearcherID with ORCID?

  • to easily populate your ORCID profile with publications from Web of Science (via ResearcherID)
  • to display your ResearcherID on your ORCID profile
  • to use ONLY one number – your ORCID iD – to accurately and efficiently extract your publications from Web of Science

Read the guide Steps to add works from ResearcherID to ORCID to learn the way to associate an ORCID account with ResearcherID

Watch a video ResearcherID and ORCID Integration (3:49) to find out more. 

After the ResearcherID-ORCID integration...

After you have integrated ORCID with ResearcherID

  • your publications will be imported into ORCID profile from ResearcherID account (the process is reciprocal)
  • your biographical information can be exchanged between ResearcherID and ORCID
  • your ResearcherID and ORCID iD will be linked and displayed on both platforms (see snapshot below)
  • your publication list can be searched using your ResearcherID or ORCID iD on both Web of Science and ORCID platforms.