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Event Management:
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Wine Tasting:
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To search e-books from the Library homepage, you may follow the steps below:
To search e-books by publishers, click here.
All printed books are assigned with a call number (e.g. TX911.3.M27 C68 2016). It tells us where can we find this book.
When you search a printed book via OneSearch, you can get a call number. Clicking on CALL NUMBER LOCATIONS will link you to this page about the book's location.
Common call numbers for SHTM-related areas are listed below:
If the book is unavailable, you can either Request the book or borrow it from HKALL.
If the printed book is currently checked out by other users, you can request* the book online with the steps below:
* Remark: You can only request those items on loan to another user. Items available on the bookshelves and items from Reserve Books Collection cannot be requested.
Alternatively, you can try to borrow the unavailable book from HKALL.
You can also try to borrow the book from other local universities via HKALL*:
* Remarks: HKALL can be used when:
i) You would like to request a printed book, and
ii) PolyU does not possess OR all of the circulation copies in PolyU are unavailable, and
iii) The status of the item in other institutions is “Available”.
Call numbers can be divided into 4 rows:
Below are some examples of the rules mentioned above:
These materials provide a good place to start your search because key concepts and terms are explained and bibliographies are often included.
Event Management:
Wine & Drinks:
* Those items with call number are printed books.
Relevant books within this subject area can be found under subject terms such as:
Tourism | Hospitality industry -- Management | Hospitality industry |
For more specific topics, books can be found under headings such as:
To locate the above, perform a subject search with subject term. You may make use of the above subject headings to conduct subject searches in OneSearch
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) allow you to discover free access, free download academic books for at ease.
To find required textbooks and other course readings, click here for course readings under SHTM.
Visit PolyU Exam Paper Database for find past exam papers of SHTM and other disciplines.
To learn more, refer to the video instruction below: