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ELC1012/ELC1013 - English for University Studies

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Where to Start?

You can start by reading background information on your topic and developing your terminology around the topic. 

1. From Reference Works

Reference works include dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and handbooks. They provide authoritative summary information on a field or subject.

Reading articles published in reference works helps you: 

  • Understand the key issues, history, and sometimes the latest debates on a topic without going through dozens of books, journal articles, and other materials.
  • Develop a mind map on a topic and learn keywords and terminologies for further research. 


Useful resources for references and summary information:

Below are some recommended sources where you can find reference works. Try searching for your topic in any of these sources and see if you can find any interesting articles. Then, expand your terminology further.

Credo Reference helps you find short articles on a topic from thousands of reference books in different disciplines. It's the scholarly version of Wikipedia.

Here you can see an example. After searching the topic, we got a few articles (and sometimes a mind map too) related to the topic.

Credo Reference

SAGE Knowledge is another database to find published reference works. If you wish to explore a topic in more details, you can read more from these handbooks and encyclopedia articles.

Sage knowledge 

OneSearch is library's search engine where you can find almost everything the Library has including books, journals, DVDs. You can use OneSearch to search the reference works too. Run a search on your topic and limit by "Reference Entries". Clicking on the search result will bring you to the article published in reference works.

Find Reference entries in OneSearch

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. It's a great tool to help you quickly get an overview of a topic and understand the key issues or latest debates.

Sometimes students may come up with this question:

Should I use Wikipedia for research?

The short answer is, yes you can. However, you need to:

  • Remember that Wikipedia is a wiki where anyone can edit, delete or add false information.
  • Always check the source and cite the original sources.
  • Use information from credible sources, e.g.scholarly journals, government websites, professional associations, reputable online newspapers, etc.

Below is a snapshot of an Wikipedia article's reference list, with a few creditable sources highlighted.

cite the original sources

2. From News & Information Around You

You will be given a research topic for your assignment. Try searching the topic on Google and check the result list - you may see entries from newspapers, Wikipedia or other sources

At this stage, you can do 3 things:

  1. First, try to collect some keywords from the search results (e.g. Google Search results). 
  2. Read 2-3 articles from the top results (e.g. News articles or Wikipedia articles) to understand more about the topic. Continue to collect keywords from the articles.
  3. While reading, consider other related terms and develop your terminology around the topic.


Recommended News Resources:

If you wish to find more news articles on a topic, you can use these Library-subscribed news databases.


Let's say the topic of your assignment is "hotel industry". You are interested to learn if there are any hotel industry studies related to COVID.

You can google the terms and collect some keywords directly from search results. You can also explore some news articles and Wikipedia entries to further develop your terminology. Here are some examples:

From search results: Keywords collected:

  • Covid
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid-19
  • Hotel Industry
  • Hospitality
From a News article: Expand the keyword list:


  • Covid
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid-19
  • Pandemic
  • Hotel Industry
  • Hospitality
  • Leisure
  • Tourism
From a Wikipedia entry: Expand the keyword list:


  • Covid
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid-19
  • Pandemic
  • Hotel Industry
  • Hospitality
  • Leisure
  • Tourism
  • Travel restrictions

Tips for Developing Terminology using mind map:

You can use a mind map to jot down and structure the keywords you have collected. Simply draw on a piece of paper, or use an online tool such as Miro, Whimsical, MindMeister or XMind.

Tips for evaluating Information & GenAI sources using CRAAP Test

CRAAP test is a simple tool to help you evaluate information sources. It involves asking yourself a few questions across 5 key aspects to determine whether a source is suitable for your research or decision-making. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Source: Shake Library

CRAAP (Quick Checklist)

Criteria Description Questions
C - Currency Timeliness of information
  • When was it published?
  • Has it been updated?
  • Does your topic need current information, or are older sources acceptable?
  • Are the links functional?
R - Relevance Contextual fit
  • Does it relate to your topic?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  •  Is it at an appropriate level for your needs?
    (i.e. not too elementary or advanced for your needs)
  •  Have you consulted various sources, before determining this is one you will use?
  •  Would you cite this in your academic research?
A - Authority Source credibility
  • Who is the author/sponsor?
  • What are their credentials or affiliations?
  • Is the author qualified on the topic?
  • Any contact information available?
  • Does the website URL reveal anything about the source?
    .gov - a government site
    .edu - an educational site
    .com - a commercial sit
    .org - an organization site
A - Accuracy Reliability of content
  • Where does the information come from?
  • Is it supported by evidence?
  • Has it been reviewed?
  • Can you verify it through other sources or personal knowledge?
  • Is the language or tone unbiased?
  • Are there spelling or grammatical errors?
P - Purpose Reason for existence
  • Do the authors make the intentions clear?
  • What is the purpose? E.g. to inform, teach, sell, or persuade
  • Is it fact, opinion, or propaganda?
  • Is the viewpoint objective and impartial?
  • Are there any biases? E.g. political, cultural, religious, personal biases

Modified based on Evaluating Information - Applying the CRAAP Test By Meriam Library, California State University, Chico